$50 OFF $500, $100 OFF $800
Necklace: herkimer diamond, moonstone, obsidian
Necklace: herkimer diamond, moonstone, obsidian
$50OFF$500, $100OFF$800 will automatically apply when check out
Materials: herkimer diamond, moonstone, obsidian
Length: 20.29inch (51.5cm);
Weight: 10.09oz (286.05g)
SKU: NKL-L2-047
FRYSTAL JEWELRY collects gemstones from all over the world and only brings handmade colorful one-and-only jewelry to beauty lovers. We keep nature's design as much as possible because lives are passing by but stones last forever. Our mission is to meet the needs of those who want to show their strength, wildness and their passion to the world, and who dare to dress wild and stand out from the crowd!
Black Obsidian: Protection • Grounding • Stress Relief
Black Obsidian Meaning
Black Obsidian is one of the best stones for protection, it is a powerful cleanser of negative energy.
Black Obsidian helps to remove negativity from your environment, and also from your emotions and mind.
Because of its protection properties, Black Obsidian cleanses your mind and teaches you emotional strength.
Black Obsidian also helps to connect you to the energy of the Earth, centering you and aligning you with the spirit of nature.
Due to its ability to deflect negativity, Black Obsidian is helpful for clearing energy blockages and aids in bringing truth to the surface to be revealed.
Black Obsidian Metaphysical Properties & Benefits
Black Obsidian’s main healing properties include protection, grounding, and stress relief.
Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone and is used as a great cleanser of negative energies.
It helps to remove negativity experienced in the environment and that one’s own emotions like anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages and has a tendency to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved.
It’s excellent for protection against psychic attacks and creates a shield against negativity.
This crystal helps you to know who you truly are and helps you to recognize where you are holding negativity within yourself.
Obsidian makes us face truths and issues, enabling us to take action to clear our root causes to things, aiding us in spiritual and personal growth.